Evo Beyond is a product of an understanding that aims to be superior in the field of industrial hygiene and hygiene products and to make superior qualities accessible.

Saving in Evo Beyond products, where environmental consciousness is the main theme, has always been front-line. Every Evo Beyond brand produced is proud of being healthy and environmentalist by taking the fact that it is serving to the values ​​of humanity which has been given to perfection by passing through very demanding tests.

Paperless Towel Aparate Only Working without electricity Only Evo Beyond contributes to both budget and human values ​​with its energy saving and paper wastage system that makes you feel quality. The Evo Beyond Animated Paper Towels, which have more absorbency and are produced softer, top the feeling of perfection.

Only Foam Soap, which gives the softest state of the foam to you while giving a silky appearance to your skin thanks to its special moisturizing formula at the same time, is also energy saving and environmentally sensitive product thanks to its use without electricity and battery.

With its unique hygienic and non-hygienic features, the Only Dispenser offers approximately 70% savings over conventional dispensers when it comes to single-action napkins. At the same time, it offers excellent quality with extra soft napkins